San Clemente
Oral & Facial Surgery

We deliver expert surgical and dental implant care at the highest level of personalization and comfort.

High-Tech. Comfortable. Personalized.

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Meet the Expert

Social Responsibility
San Clemente Oral and Facial Surgery

Dedicated to the Community

Community outreach is a cornerstone of our practice and a demonstration of our dedication to the San Clemente, CA area. We routinely give back by offering health classes, supporting local businesses, and through involvement in local schools. We truly have a heart for our community and love giving back! Learn more about our community involvement by contacting us today.

What to Expect
San Clemente Office

What to expect

Dental implants are a permanent investment. One of the most important steps in this process is your consultation which then jumpstarts our precise planning. Our goal is to understand your primary concerns and long-term smile vision including all aspects of your oral wellbeing. We will obtain the necessary data to develop a customized treatment plan for you. Expect a transformative experience lined with comfort, personalization, and accuracy.

Driven Toward Excellence.

Devoted to Patient Care.

The thought of undergoing oral surgery or dental implant treatment can be daunting and scary. But it doesn’t have to be. Since opening our doors, our surgical team has remained dedicated to helping our patients achieve optimal health and confidence through care that minimizes stress and anxiety. By combining a high-tech facility and anesthesia services with a friendly, welcoming atmosphere, we consistently deliver expert surgical and dental implant care at the highest level of personalization and comfort. Our team is even available after hours and on weekends for emergencies. We truly are redefining the oral surgical experience for patients—and it shows! See the difference by reserving your first appointment with our board-certified oral surgeon in San Clemente, CA today.

Far-Reaching Surgical Expertise

Dental Implants

Permanently replace one, several, or all your missing teeth with the “gold” standard in tooth replacement. Dr. Nielsen expertly places dental implants in San Clemente, CA using digital technology to offer same-day solutions.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Don’t let wisdom teeth lead to painful situations or harm existing teeth. Our oral surgeon in San Clemente, CA is an expert in wisdom teeth extractions and uses advanced techniques and custom anesthesia to provide comfortable, efficient surgery in our modern surgical facility.

Orthognathic Surgery

Relieve jaw pain, TMJ discomfort, and sleep apnea symptoms with digitally-guided orthognathic surgery. Dr. Nielsen specializes in jaw surgery, leveraging virtual planning software and personalized titanium plates for the most predictable and life-changing results.

Our Patients tell the story best

Choose expert, comfortable care.

Contact our oral surgeon in San Clemente, CA today!